Service work report (published Fall 2019)
Summer Events Report 2023 PDF
October 2022 PDF
Summer 2021 Report PDF
October 2020 PDF
Spring Report PDF
Events Report PDF
2017-2018 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance; the MAP-UK leadership team for their skilled steering of the region and for modeling regional collaboration; the former organizers that now serve as the Board of Trustees; Taylor Dunstan, Zoe Johnson King, and Geoff Sayre-McCord for working with us toward collaborations with the National High School Ethics Bowl and the APA Graduate Student Council; and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2016-2017 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance; the MAP-UK leadership team for their enormously skilled steering of the region; the former organizers that now serve as the Board of Trustees; and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2015-2016 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation for another year of their generous support. We also thank Jeremy Cushing with the APA Blog, our Board of Academic Advisors, the MAPUK leadership team, Sarah Settle, Jason D’Cruz, Robin Zheng, and again, our excellent Cartographers for helping draw out the MAP.
2014-2015 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank the APA for their many contributions, our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance, the MAP-UK leadership team for their enormously skilled steering of the region, and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2013-2014 PDF
Thanks: We have many people to thank for helping make MAP’s first year a success. Michael Smith with the Princeton philosophy department and Charles Beitz with the Princeton University Center for Human Values were crucial in getting the organization first started. Our board of faculty advisors (Sarah-Jane Leslie, Tamar Gendler, and Kwame Anthony Appiah) and Mark Johnston offered much guidance throughout the year.We also thank Carole Lee (who suggested the distance mentorship program), Aidan Kestigian (for organizing summer school activities), and Quayshawn Spencer, Sara Protasi, Julia Jorati, Morgan Thompson, Lionel McPherson, Robin Zheng, Sukaina Hirji, Daniel Wodak, and Michaela McSweeney for conversations both constructive and critical. And finally, we heartily thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support continues to make MAP possible.
Summer Events Report 2023 PDF
October 2022 PDF
Summer 2021 Report PDF
October 2020 PDF
Spring Report PDF
Events Report PDF
2017-2018 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance; the MAP-UK leadership team for their skilled steering of the region and for modeling regional collaboration; the former organizers that now serve as the Board of Trustees; Taylor Dunstan, Zoe Johnson King, and Geoff Sayre-McCord for working with us toward collaborations with the National High School Ethics Bowl and the APA Graduate Student Council; and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2016-2017 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance; the MAP-UK leadership team for their enormously skilled steering of the region; the former organizers that now serve as the Board of Trustees; and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2015-2016 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation for another year of their generous support. We also thank Jeremy Cushing with the APA Blog, our Board of Academic Advisors, the MAPUK leadership team, Sarah Settle, Jason D’Cruz, Robin Zheng, and again, our excellent Cartographers for helping draw out the MAP.
2014-2015 PDF
Thanks: We’d like to thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support made another year possible. We also thank the APA for their many contributions, our Board of Academic Advisors for their guidance, the MAP-UK leadership team for their enormously skilled steering of the region, and all our Cartographers, without whom we’d have no MAP/map.
2013-2014 PDF
Thanks: We have many people to thank for helping make MAP’s first year a success. Michael Smith with the Princeton philosophy department and Charles Beitz with the Princeton University Center for Human Values were crucial in getting the organization first started. Our board of faculty advisors (Sarah-Jane Leslie, Tamar Gendler, and Kwame Anthony Appiah) and Mark Johnston offered much guidance throughout the year.We also thank Carole Lee (who suggested the distance mentorship program), Aidan Kestigian (for organizing summer school activities), and Quayshawn Spencer, Sara Protasi, Julia Jorati, Morgan Thompson, Lionel McPherson, Robin Zheng, Sukaina Hirji, Daniel Wodak, and Michaela McSweeney for conversations both constructive and critical. And finally, we heartily thank the Marc Sanders Foundation, whose generous support continues to make MAP possible.