There are more than 180 MAP chapters throughout Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, the UK, and the US (take a look at our MAP map here). You can find contact information for MAP chapter representatives via the spreadsheet here. MAP chapter representatives can add or update the contact information on the spreadsheet by making a comment on the appropriate cells.
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Want to start your own chapter? Apply here.
Agnes Scott College
American University Arizona State University Bard College Baylor University Boston University Bowling Green State University Brandeis University Brown University California State University-Chico California State University-Long Beach California State University-Sacramento Carnegie Mellon University Clemson University Columbia University Cornell University CUNY Brooklyn CUNY Grad Center Dalhouse University DePaul University Duke University Duquesne University Eastern Michigan University Emory University Florida State University Fordham University Georgetown University Georgia State University Green River College Harvard-MIT Indiana University John Jay College of Criminal Justice Johns Hopkins University Kent State University Loyola University Chicago Marquette University New York University Northeastern University Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Notre Dame University NYU Ohio University Ohio State University Oklahoma State University Princeton Purdue University |
Reed College
Rutgers San Francisco State University Stanford University Stony Brook University SUNY Albany SUNY Binghamton SUNY Buffalo Syracuse University Texas Tech University Temple University The New School for Social Research Towson University Tufts University UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC Santa Cruz UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara UNC Chapel Hill UNC-Charlotte University of Arizona University of Calgary University of Central Oklahoma University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado University of Florida University of Houston University of Illinois University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Maine University of Maryland University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Memphis University of Miami University of Michigan, Ann Arbor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Missouri - St. Louis |
University of New Mexico
University of Oklahoma University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of South Carolina-Columbia University of Southern California University of Texas (Austin) University of Texas (El Paso) University of Toronto University of Utah University of Virginia University of Washington, Seattle University of Wisconsin, Madison University South Florida University of Connecticut Vanderbilt University Villanova University Virginia Tech Washington University in St. Louis Wayne State University Wellesley College Western Michigan University Western University Wichita State University William Paterson University of New Jersey Wofford College Yale University York University Rhodes University Concordia University McGill University McMaster University Queen's University Ryerson University Université de Montréal University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Guelph University of Manitoba University of Waterloo Simon Fraser University |
Central European University
Humboldt Universität/MAP Berlin LMU MCMP Ruhr-Universität Bochum Tilburg University Università degli Studi di Parma Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona University College Cork University College Dublin University of Groningen University of Lisbon University of Antwerp Stockholm University University of Helsinki Australian National University Monash University University of Melbourne University of Wollongong University of Sydney Victoria University of Wellington University of Auckland Durham University King's College London London School of Economics University of Leeds University College London University of Aberdeen University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Glasgow University of Kent University of Manchester University of Oxford University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of St. Andrews University of Stirling University of Sussex University of Warwick University of York University of Delhi |