Discussions, Conferences, and Panels
Informal Get-Togethers
Reading Groups
Film Screenings
- Prof. Connie Snyder-Mick (Notre Dame Center for Social Concerns) “Teaching for Inclusion” [University of Notre Dame]
- Luvell Anderson, (Syracuse) "Laughing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Comedic Imagination" [CUNY Graduate Center and CUNY GC Dept. of Philosophy]
- Vanessa Wills (George Washington University) “Lessons from black woman marxists on race, gender, and class” [MAP Berlin]
- Jose Medina (Northwestern University) "Imagining Otherwise: Resisting and Queering Racial and Gender Violence" [UCSC]
- Rima Basu (Claremont McKenna College) "Indecent Philosophy: Mapping The Moral Terrain of Philosophical Inquiry" [NYU]
- Paul-Mikhail Podosky (University of Melbourne) “The Ethics of Sexual Attraction” [Melbourne]
- Knox Peden (University of Melbourne) “Postmodernism, Knowledge and Power” [Melbourne]
- Marilyn Stendera (University of Melbourne) “Taking on Traditions: Analytic and Continental” [Melbourne]
- Graham Priest (CUNY) “'Buddhist Ethics and Marxism” [Melbourne]
- Myisha Cherry (University California Riverside) "Anger Management: An Alternative View" [Brown]
- Nancy Bauer (Tufts University) "#MeToo: Epistemic Injustice and the Sexual Harassment Tipping Point" [Brown]
- Rima Basu (Claremont McKenna College), "Indecent Philosophy: Mapping The Moral Terrain of Philosophical Inquiry" [NYU]
- Jose Medina (Northwestern University), “Imagining Otherwise Resisting and Queering Racial and Gender Violence” [UCSC]
- Augustine Obi (Australian Catholic University), “Heidegger’s Mitsein in Conversation with the Sub-Saharan African Concept of Ubuntu” [Monash]
- Nirmalangshu Mukherjii (University of Delhi), “ On Marx” [Monash]
- Avery Archer (George Washington Univ.), “Inquiry as Epistemic Improvement” [Ohio State]
- Robin Dembroff (Yale), "Patriarchy: Putting 'Real Men' on Top" [McGill]
- Thomas Barrett (UCSB), “Geometry and Dispensability” [UCSB]
- The Future of Our Dinner Plates: Food and Ethics, w/ a variety of speakers [CSULB]
- Conferences and Paper Workshops
- Writing Sample Workshop [University of Oklahoma]
Discussions, Conferences, and Panels
- Panel on “Why I chose to stay in Philosophy?” for 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students. [Stirling-St Andrews]
- Kim Kopec, Emilia Wilson, Sophia Rommel, and Dr Derek Ball.
- Open round table discussion on Workplace Discrimination and the Public Responsibility of Academics [UC - Santa Barbara]
- Rick Lamb, Arnel Blake Batoon, Varun (UC Santa Barbara)
- Pre-Speaker Discussion for undergraduate and graduate students on Elizabeth Brake's (Arizona State University) public lecture, "Minimizing Marriage: The State's Role in Caring Relationships."
- Pre-Speaker Discussion on LGBTQ+ rights for undergraduate and graduate students before Professor John Corvino's (Wayne State University) public lecture, "Conversation Stoppers in the Culture Wars."
- "Graduate School Admissions Info Night" Panel with faculty and graduate students [UBC]
- End-of-semester event undergraduate senior theses presentations [Columbia]
- MAP Meet-and-Greet on Zoom, during online prospective visit.
- Masterclass paper 'Real Talk on the Metaphysics of Gender' [University of Melbourne]
- MAP Graduate Conference [Brown University]
- Keynote Speakers: Lori Gruen (Wesleyan University) "“Dignity and Disposability” and Lionel McPherson (Tufts University) “Laissez-faire ‘Mixed’ Race”
- Discussion on "Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know about Diversity and Philosophy" [Western University]
- Meena Krishnamurthy (Queens University), Carolyn McLeod (Western University) and Helen Fielding (Western University)
- Workshop and Panel on “WTF Do I Do Now? A Realistic Grad School Timeline" [CUNY]
- Serene Khader, Hagop Sarkissian, and Zoey Lavallee (CUNY)
- Discussion on "Work Place Discrimination and the Public Responsibilities of Academics" [UCSB]
Informal Get-Togethers
- Conversation on LGBTQ+ rights [University of Iowa]
- Conversation on marriage [University of Iowa]
- Finals week de-stress and study holiday party [University of Notre Dame]
- Potluck for students and faculty [Ohio State University]
- End-of-month coffee breaks [Western University]
- Picnic [Western University]
- Destress fest [Indiana University, Bloomington]
- MAP drinks [Syracuse University]
- Book swap [Berlin]
- Pizza and networking [Berlin]
- Giving Day fundraising planning [UCSC]
- Annual membership meeting [UCSC]
- Undergraduate-graduate mixer, including a trivia tournament with a book prize for the winning team [Boston University]
- Welcome Back event [NYU]
- Winter MAP drinks [NYU]
- “Bring a Plato” picnic [University of Melbourne]
- Zoom meet-and-greet
- Picnic [Monash]
- Beginning of year meet-and-greet [McGill]
- MAP potluck
- Monthly MAP Coffee Breaks
- Philoso-Tea for faculty and graduate and undergraduate students to discuss experiences in academia [UBC]
- Pizza party with philosophy games
- MAP lunch for graduate students and faculty [Stirling-St Andrews]
- Scholarship application workshop for undergraduates [CSULB]
- Climate check-ins [USSC]
- Prospective student drinks [NYU]
- Workshop on inclusive pedagogy for incoming graduate students [Western University]
- Writing sample workshop [University of Oklahoma]
- Bystander training [NYU]
- Writing workshop [NYU]
- Workshop on diversifying the canon [Temple University]
- Workshop on starting an Ethics Bowl team [UCSB]
- Reading and writing philosophy workshop [Columbia]
- Workshop on philosophy outreach programs for graduate and undergraduate students interested in organizing these programs [UCSB]
- Sherri Conklin (UCSB), Itzel Garcia (UC Irvine), Saraliza Anzaldua (UCLA)
- Inclusive teaching workshop (diversifying syllabi, best strategies for making the classroom more inclusive to multilingual students, recognizing/interrupting microaggressions, making trans* and gender expansive classrooms, teaching sensitive topics and teaching through “hot” moments, navigating gender dynamics)
- Writing workshop for undergraduates [NYU]
- AAPT Teaching workshop for graduate students in the NYC area [NYU]
- Virtual inclusive teaching workshop, with each session led by a pair of graduate students who researched topics including disrupting microaggressions, best practices in grading, etc.
Reading Groups
- Reading group on Kate Manne's "Down Girl" [Ohio State University]
- Reading group on Dembroff's paper "Beyond Binary: Genderqueer as a critical gender kind" and W.E.B. Dubois' "Why I Won't Vote" [Indiana University Bloomington]
- Reading group on Politics of Recognition [Vanderbilt University]
- Reading group on Kate Manne's "Down Girl" [University of Miami]
- Reading group on Myisha Cherry's "Unmuted: Conversations on Prejudice, Oppression, and Social Justice" [University of Oklahoma]
- Reading group on Luvell Anderson's "Racist Humor" [Brown University]
- Reading group on “Knowledge and Reason in Pre-Columbian Cultures,” “Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation,” and “The University and the Undercommons” [Duquesne University]
- Pedagogy Reading Group [University of California, Santa Barbara]
- Classical Chinese Philosophy (Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy by van Norden and Ivanhoe, and Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy by Ivanhoe) [Monash]
- Decolonizing Universalism by Serene Khader [Ohio State]
- Unmuted by Myisha Cherry [Oklahoma]
- Mozi and non-western philosophy [Columbia]
- Moving Up Without Losing Your Way by Jennifer Morton
- MAP reading group focused on works by different minority philosophers
- Philosophy of race reading group
- The Metaphysics of Modern Existence by Vine Deloria
- Feminist reading group, focusing on Love and Knowledge: Emotion in Feminist Epistemology by Alison Jaggar and Ann Ferguson’s entry on Socialism in the Blackwell Companion to Feminist Philosophy [Stirling-St Andrews]
- Inclusive pedagogy reading group [UCSB]
- Undergraduate philosophy reading group [UCSB]
- Philosophy and the Public Sphere reading group, focusing on Desiree Valentine’s “Women in Philosophy: Cramblett, Race, Disability, and Liberatory Politics”; Jennifer Morton’s “Is Meritocracy Hurting Higher Education?”; and Emily Herring’s “Henri Bergson: The Philosophy Damned for his Female Fans”
Film Screenings
- MAP on Screen series (three viewings of the US H.O.R committee hearings on reparations) [UCSB]
- Other Items
- Teach-in on "Hope in Hopeless Times" as part of Graduate Workers of Columbia strike. [Columbia]
- Hosted 'Who Cares?' board game play-testing event: played a philosophical board game that illustrates a theory of care ethics due to Professor Asha Bhandary. [University of Iowa]
- DIY Bystander Training Pt II and III (space for NYU graduate students in philosophy to discuss climate issues in department and how to be an active bystander) [NYU]
- Screening of Jezebel by Numa Perrier [Indiana University Bloomington]
- MAP-affiliated work being done on the climate in the department for trans* and non-binary students [CUNY]
- Planning a film screening and discussion of a paper on gaslighting for the spring semester [University of Oklahoma]
- Discussions at the department level and with the Diversity Officer on tracking/compensating grad student service better following the release of the MAP report [Ohio State]
- Philosophy Board Game Session (“Who Cares?” based on Professor Asha Bhandary’s "Arrow of Care Map") [University of Iowa]