- Rebecca Mason (USF), “Women Are Not Adult Human Females” [UMass Amherst]
- Chike Jeffers (Dalhousie), “Du Bois’ Theory of the Talented Tenth: Critical Evaluations and Re-evaluations” [Ohio State]
- Robin Dembroff (Yale), “Putting Real Men On Top” [UCL]
- Aness Webster (Nottingham), “Agency and Stereotyping” [Miami]
- Nancy Bauer (Tufts), “The Future of Feminist Philosophy” [Tufts]
- Carrie Jenkins (UBC), “Sad Love” [Università di Parma]
- Carola Barbero (Turin), “Pornography” [Università di Parma]
- Kate Abramson (Indiana), “Learning About Trust From Gaslighting” [Florida State]
- Vanessa Wills (George Washington), “What Could it Mean to Say ‘Capitalism Causes Sexism and Racism’” [Harvard]
- Helen Ngo (Deakin), “Toward Thinking the Banality of White Supremacy” [Fordham]
- Andrea Pitts (UNC Charlotte), “Health Empires Behind Bars: Carceral Humanism and the Rise of Correctional Medicine” [Fordham]
- Romy Opperman (New School), “Black Feminist Climate Justice” [Fordham]
- Gail Weiss (George Washington), “Translating Lived Experiences Acorss Multiple ‘Worlds of Sense’: Decolonizing and Depathologizing the Clinical Encounter” [University College Dublin]
- Patricia Williams (Northeastern) [Northeastern]
- Olufemi Taiwo (Georgetown) [Northereastern]
- Carola Barbero (Turin), "Pornografia, Imagination, Perspectives and Thought Experiments" [Università di Parma]
- Carrie Jenkins (UBC), “Sad Love" [Università di Parma]
- Conference on “Embodied Voices: Phenomenological, Hermeneutical, and Psychoanalytic Approaches to Health” [Duquesne University]
- Talks
- Gail Weiss (George Washington), “Translating Lived Experience Across Multiple ‘Worlds of Sense’: Depathologizing and Decolonizing the Clinical Encounter”
- Megan Craig (Stony Brook), “Dying Together: Derrida, Levinas, and End of Life care”
- Panel on “In’Visible: Perceiving Others”
- Lisa M. Gawel (Eastern Michigan), “The Unseen: Invisible Disabilities in Sports Competition”
- Harmony Ezeuko (Western University), “Reconciling Perceptions of Kindness with Racism: Toward a New Conceptual Definition”
- Panel on “Constructing Health”
- Vivian Feldbluym (Pittsburgh),” Medicine’s Transparency Problem: What We Can Learn by Paying Attention to Attention Deficit Disorder”
- Sofia Huang (Duquesne), “Understanding the Violence of Racism Upon the Body Schema Through Fanon and Merleau-Ponty”
- Annalee Ring (Oregon), “Fanon and Soap Advertising: Colonial Mythologies of Cleanliness”
- Panel on “The Role of Care and Empathy in Health”
- Adam Schipper (Queen’s University), “Temporality and the Politics of Care Work: Phenomenology Meets Social Reproduction Theory”
- Amanda Pinto (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), “What the Gut: On Female Embodiment, Affective Labor, and Gastrointestinal Health”
- Panel on “Doctor/Patient”
- Sam Sanchinel (University of Toronto), “From the Medical Professional as ‘Sphinx’ to the Entrance into Trans Dreams: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Trans Patients Seeking HRT or GCS”
- Eugenia Stefanello (University of Padova), “The Doctor Will (Not) Hear You Now: Epistemic Injustice and Phenomenological Empathy”
- Abbey Murphey (Boston College), “Edith Stein and Merleau-Ponty on the Interpretation of Body Expressions and Telehealth”
- Talks
- Symposium on “Shooting the Canon: Aiming for New Perspectives,” with Odile Heynders, Katarina Mihaljavić, and Amanda Cawston” [Tilburg]
- Social philosophy conference with keynote speakers Lionel McPherson (Tufts) and Kate Moran (Brandeis) [Tufts]
- Conference on “MAPping the Gap: Gender Gap in Academia” [Università di Parma]
- 13th Annual Florida State University MAP Conference with Kate Abramson, Dana Fritz, Michael Omoge, and Mohna Khan [Florida State]
- Symposium on the philosophical canon [Tilburg]
- Conference on “Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives on Minorities and Philosophy” [University College Dublin]
- Kelly Agra (University College Dublin), “Epistemic Paralysis and the Epistemic Salience of Identity: The case of Filipino Colonial Miseducation and Misrecognition”
- Clémence Saintemarie (University College Dublin), “Of Love, Care, and Solidarity: The "Third Shift" and the Dilemmas of Academic Work from and for Minorities in Philosophy”
- Carlos Malache (École Normale Supérieure), “Philosophy and Minorities: The State of University in France and What It Teaches Us”
- Rhona J. Flynn (University College Cork), “Notes from the Lunatic Fringe: A Thought Experiment Talks Back”
- 1st Midlands MAP Festival [Warwick]
- Panel on "Philosophy, Academia and Mental Health"
- "The Agential Stance: How to support young people’s sense of agency in mental health clinical encounters” by Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham)
- “Imposter Syndrome in Philosophy” by Quassim Cassam (University of Warwick)
- “Mental Health and the Philosophical Profession” by Matthew Duncombe (University of Nottingham)
- “Understanding Micro-Aggressions within the Higher Education Setting” by Lauren Blackwood (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion officer - King's College London)
- “Mental Health and The Modern World” by Jasmine Khan (Journalist, Public Speaker and Mental Health Advocate)
- “Admission: The Subject as an Object of Study” by Dana Miranda (University of Massachusetts Boston)
- Seminar Series: “Disability, Mental Health and Inclusion” by Dr Eileen John, “Handling Rejections: Mental Health and Academia” by Dr Thomas Crowther
- Panel on "Philosophy, Academia and Mental Health"
- Panel on “Justice and Inclusion in Academia,” with Lanei Rodemeyer, Boram Boram Jeong, Tristana Martin Rubio, Sıla Özkara, Zachary Slanger [Duquesne]
- Panel on “Justice and Inclusion in Pedagogy,” with Daniel Selcer, Stephanie Adair, Jeffrey Lambert, Mackenzie Foster [Duquesne]
- Roundtable discussion on on “Barriers, Equity, and Lived Experience of Healthcare,” with William Conway, Eva Chrysochoou, Daniel Cook, Mackenzie Foster, Elizabete Mezinska, Tristana Martin Rubio, Mine Sak, Sıla Özkara, Zachary Slanger [Duquesne]
- Panel on “Graduate Student Life,” with Tulaja Thigale, Jacob Zellmer, Haley Schilling, and Bianca Waked [UMass Amherst]
- Graduate Student Panel [Tufts]
- Panel on “Gender Ambiguity” [Università di Parma]
- Panel on diversity as a concept [Tilburg]
- Panel on “Getting in and Getting Through: Grad School Q&A” with Diana Heney, Karen Ng, Takunda Matose, Holly Longair, Andrew Burnside, Emily Radigan, and Kelly Cunningham [Vanderbilt]
- Panel on “What’s my Job? Setting Professional Boundaries in Research, Teaching, and Life,” with Rima Basu (Claremont McKenna) and Tamara Yakaboski (Northern Colorado) [CUNY]
- Panel on alt/non-academic jobs [Harvard]
- Discussion on “Stories of Social Exclusion (in the Art World)” [St Andrews-Stirling]
- Discussion on “Money Isn’t Everything: Why Working-Class People are Underrepresented at UK Universities” [St Andrews-Stirling]
- Discussion on “Imposter Syndrome” [St Andrews-Stirling]
- Discussion on “Mental Health and Neurodivergence” [St Andrews-Stirling]
- Panel on “Getting Through the Mlitt: Perspectives from Recent Graduate Students” [St Andrews-Stirling]
- Panel and Flash Talks in collaboration with SWIP Italia [Università di Parma]
- Gruppi di lettura: Freud e la metapsicologia, la metafisica Neoaristotelica, l’ecofemminismo
- Powers in science
- Dispositional properties as the best description of the fundamental elements in the physical world
- Zoom VS. Hume, Proxy data
- The epistemic advantages of indirect measurements
- La storia e le norme – Tra Canguilhem e Fanon
- Diagrammatic reasoning – Considerazioni sull’uso dei diagrammi nella matematica e nella logica
- MAPpy hours [Temple]
- MAP-py hours for grads & undergrads [Ohio State]
- 3-4 times informal get-togethers co-hosted with SWIP Italy [Università di Parma]
- Feminist philosophy seeds and starts (provided plant starts and bookmark making materials while participants talk about feminsit philosophy) [Marquette]
- Racial minorities meet up [UC Irvine]
- General MAP meetings on Zoom with "pedagogy sessions" at the end of each session [CUNY]
- MAP Coffee Hour on Zoom during perspectives’ week [CUNY]
- Queer Happy Hour on Zoom [CUNY]
- MAP “Coffee Breaks” on Zoom [Harvard]
- MAP walks [Harvard]
- Weekly online MAP lunch [St. Andrews/Stirling]
- Co-work meetings for graduate students [UIUC]
- Weekly MAP Happy Hour on Zoom [University of Maryland College Park]
- Brainstorm about how to better the department, co-organized with the Philosophy Club [Northeastern]
- Decolonizing the Syllabus by Brooke Sharp, Rachel Cuevas, Manasa Gopakumar and Jessica Brown [Temple]
- Radical Pedagogy Teaching Workshop [Cornell]
- Workshop on how to write a PhD application and how to write a philosophy paper [Università di Parma]
- "Building Mutual Aid in Grad School" with Andrea Pitts (UNC-Charlotte) [Vanderbilt]
- 'What to do with your philosophy degree' panel event in collaboration with UCD PHilosophy society [University College Dublin]
- Inclusive Teaching [St. Andrews/Stirling]
- UC Santa Cruz: Year-Long Abolitionist Reading Group
- UMass Amherst: "Facing Up to Ignorance and Privilege: Philosophy of Whiteness as Public Intellectualism" by Terrance MacMullan
- Ohio State University: "Women, Race, and Class" by Angela Davis and "Political Solidarity" by Sally Scholz
- Tilburg University: Bi-weekly reading group focussed on culture and race including "The Thing Around Your Neck" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, "Whose Cosmos? Which Cosmopolitics?" by Bruno Latour, "Introduction to 'Orientalism'" by Edward Said, "Moving Up Without Losing your Way" by Jennifer Morton, "Occidentalism" by Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, and "On Being Included" by Sara Ahmed
- UCL: How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
- The University of Miami: What is Race?: Four Philosophical Views
- UT Austin: Categories We Live By by Asta and The Wrongs of Racists Beliefs by Rima Basu
- Cornell: Pedagogy of the Oppressed
- Tufts: Tufts and Brandeis reading group
- Università di Parma: Sigmund Freud reading group
- Florida State: Radical Multiculturalism and Women of Color Feminisms,” "Philosophy, Religion, Race, and Queerness: A Question of Accommodation or Access" by Kim Hall, “When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of Trans Sexuality Can Teach About Sexual Orientation” by Talia Mae Bettcher, "How it is: The Native American Philosophy of V.F. Cordova," “Solidarity Care: How to Take Care of Each Other in Times of Struggle” by Myisha Cherry
- Vanderbilt: "Cornell West: My Ridiculous Situation at Harvard" in the Chronicle of Higher Education by Maximillian Alvarez, "A Coup by Any Other Name: Reflections on Democracy, Defense and White Supremacy" in the Blog of the APA by Sabeen Ahmed
- Marquette: Bhagavad Gita and Philosophy
- University of Warwick: Joint event with Art and Mind Reading Group and Race and Philosophy Reading group, “Controlling (mental) images and the aesthetic appreciation of racialized bodies” with guest Speaker: Dr Adriana Clavel-Vazquez; "Virgins" by Danielle Evans, "The Education of Mingo" by Charles Johnson, "Elbow Room" by Alan McPherson
- UC Irvine: Tommie Shelby’s “Dark Ghettos”
- Harvard: "Women, Race, and Class" by Angela Davis, "Black Feminist Thought" by Patricia Hill Collins
- Fordham “Carceral Capitalism” by Jackie Wang, “Afropessimism” by Frank B. Wilderson III
- University College Dublin: Reading group on de-/postcolonial theorists and feminists of colour, epistemic injustice, epistemologies of ignorance, and epistemology of resistance
- Maryland: Reading group on philosophy of racism and social epistemology
- Northeastern: "The Case for Reparations" by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Screening of "Wind" with discussion on the topic of immigration, cultural identity, personal experience, and social oppression [Arizona State University]
- Screenings of “Persipolis,” “The Farewell,” and “Isle of Dogs” paired with some of the texts they read/discussed [Tilburg University]
- Screening and discussion of documentary "13th" by Ava DuVernay [The University of Miami]
- Screening of "I am Not your Negro" [Università di Parma]
- CineMAP screenings of Darquat's "Schwarzfahrer," “30%” Women and Politics in Sierra Leone, “Paris Is Burning”, “Lovers Rock” session in collaboration with Race and Philosophy Reading Group organised by Equality and Welfare Committee, "Sorry to Bother You", pieces from dancers Liz Aggiss and Kimiko Versatile [University of Warwick]
- “Parasite,” “Being John Malkovich” [University College Dublin]
- University MAP listserv has been made [Arizona State University]
- Podcast development on diversity and inclusion within philosophy in collaboration with the study association of the philosophy department 'Sapientia Ludenda' or 'SAPI' [Tilburg]
- Diversity Festival preparation to take place at the beginning of the academic year at Theater de Nieuwe Vorst in Tilburg, in collaboration with the theatre. [Tilburg University]
- Climate Survey and MAP RAship [Cornell University]
- Tufts MAP info session (first Tufts' MAP meeting) [Tufts University]
- Zoom Game Night [Florida State University]
- Undergraduate Ethics Bowl [UC Irvine]
- Creation of the department's first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee [The Graduate Center, CUNY]
- MAP Collective Donation to the MA Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, MAP Meeting and Discussion for Prospective Students [Harvard]
- UCD MAP and UCD Perspectives Journal interview with Abeba Birhane on on social philosophy, 4E cognition, AI ethics from decolonial and feminist perspectives, racism in AI, “Doing a PhD during the pandemic” (upcoming: as podcast with UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life and written as ERC interview in Perspectives journal) [University College Dublin]
- Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory seminar hosted by the Arché research centre at the University of St Andrews [Joint Chapter for the University of St Andrews and the University of Stirling]